Game Development
DecompositionProducer, Gameplay Designer, Marketer
This Game is "Currently in Development" with a Planned release for May 2025.
MITRASolo-Developer, SFX Design, 2D Art
This project was an assessment of my skills at the end of 2022 for a "Proof of Concept." This is no longer in development.
II. An Interactive Novel ExperienceSolo-Developer
This project was a video game pitch I presented in Tokyo for a course on Japanese Game Design. This project is "on-hiatus."
Rainy DazeProducer, Gameplay Design
This project is still within it's pitching/design phase, but is planned to release in early 2027.
Sound Design Work
Go! Save the Queen!Audio Director (Contract)
This Game is close to Release with it's slated release Date to be within Fall 2024.
3D Shooter TemplateAudio Programming, SFX Design, Musician
This project was a "Proof of Concept" for my skills in implementing audio into Unity with FMOD.
Writing Sample for a Hypothetical Mystery AdventureInteractive Design, Writer
This was a "Proof of Concept" in my ability to create an interactive story using Twine.
Murder at Malatesta ManorCo-Writer
This was a "Proof of Concept" for a Narrative Script based in the Murder Mystery Genre.
Video Productions
Vibrant Colors in a Grayscale WorldDirector, Editor, Writer
Trying McDonald's Grimace Shake despite having IBSEditor, Producer, Presenter
The Maneki-Neko of Gōtoku-Ji (豪徳寺の招き猫)
Photographer, Video Editor, Writer
Flicking "The Bean" in ChicagoEditor, Producer, Presenter