"Go! Save the Queen!" is an upcoming game releasing in Fall 2024 that is a reverse tower-defense game where you control an army of ants trying to protect different Queens as they walk across the map. For this title I had assisted the team in creating SFX and implementing their game's audio through the 3rd-party software, FMOD, into their build on Unity.
(All videos, SFX, and images were approved by the team to share on my Portfolio website.)
(All videos, SFX, and images were approved by the team to share on my Portfolio website.)
Video Mockup with Audio (December, 2023)
Before ending 2023, I had put together a Sound Mockup using the Base and Charger Unit Attack SFX that me and my SFX Designer, Luke Pollins, have been experimenting with as well as a first iteration of our "Grill Break" SFX and our current higher pitched "Corgi Queen" SFX included in a Level layout mixed in with Braden Marksberry's first level's jazz theme track horizontally adapted into the level based on the progress of the Player.
This mockup is a combination of the sounds that we've added in through FMOD into Unity alongside additional layers of SFX added in through Vegas Pro 21 to make the level's sound more complete as not all of our music and SFX have been implemented in the game at this current time. This video experiment is being used to assess the further direction of how SFX will be added and to showcase the bugs that we have been coming across in adding audio to the game alongside potential issues that could arise while continuing to use FMOD in the project. |
Deeper Dive: The Corgi's SFX
Promotional GIF of an old version of "G!STQ!"
In the first level of the game, you are protecting a Queen who happens to be a Corgi dog. For this Level, I had needed to have a simple "Idle" Bark SFX and a "Hit" SFX for the Queen when an enemy (another bug) hits her.
To get the audio of a dog barking I had recorded live samples from my Grandparent's dog that I had recorded on my phone during a visit to their house and cleaned the audio using Audacity. I had also pitched the voice upwards to get a more cartoonish feel for the barks as the Team had requested for the SFX to be similar in vein to Hanna Barbera. Below, I have placed in the Raw SFX of our Corgi's barks before it was altered in FMOD Studio to be placed within the Game. |